OUP/Opinio Juris Book Club: Richard Gardiner on Treaty Interpretation

OUP/Opinio Juris Book Club: Richard Gardiner on Treaty Interpretation

I wanted to flag for readers an on-line discussion that we are planning for next Monday-Wednesday, March 2-4.  We will be pleased to host Richard Gardiner (University College London) for a discussion of his book, Treaty Interpretation.  In addition to comments by the regular contributors, we will have several distinguished guest bloggers, all of whom know a thing or two about treaties:  Isabelle van Damme (Clare College, Cambridge), Malgosia Fitzmaurice (University of London, Queen Mary), and Jan Klabbers (Helsinki).   Among the potential topics will be discussion of the continuing vitality of the New Haven School as a method of treaty interpretation, the proper approach (or approaches) to preparatory work, and the problem of excessive textuality.  Along with my co-bloggers, I’m looking forward to the conversation and, as always, would encourage comments and questions from our readers.

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