Another Temptation for the ICC: Israel and Gaza

Another Temptation for the ICC: Israel and Gaza

Typically, I wouldn’t take this kind of thing very seriously.

The Palestinian Authority is pressing the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate accusations of war crimes committed by Israeli commanders during the recent war in Gaza.

But in a clever move, the Palestinian Authority has accepted the jurisdiction of the ICC over its territory, which includes Gaza. This could in theory extend ICC jurisdiction over Israeli nationals who operated inside Gaza during the recent conflict. 

As a legal matter, the difficulty is that it is far from clear that the Palestinan Authority is capable of accepting ICC jurisdiction since it is doubtful that it is a state or that it has sovereignty over Gaza, or both. 

Indeed, the status of Palestine is one of the main subjects of dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, and it doesn’t seem obviously helpful for the ICC to decide this question at this point. 

And intervening will hardly calm fears about the ICC’s aggressive interpretation of its jurisdiction, especially over nationals of states that are not parties to the ICC. It is tempting, but potentially disastrous for the ICC to get involved here. But maybe our readers feel differently? Somehow I’m sure they do.

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I think doubtful is too reserved, i can’t see any international court finding that Palestine is a state? 


This is a smart move by the PA – they are looking to the ICC for recognition of statehood. It could potentially backfire though, since the PA will be subject to ICC jurisdiction over their own residents if they are unwilling to try them.


Situation is a potential minefield for the ICC. Finding jurisdiction on shaky arguments would definitely undermine its independent status. On the other hand, what are OPT’s then? Legal blackhole where war crimes cannot be prosecuted unless Palestinian state is firmly established?

2 Sharon: having in mind the recent Gaza conflict only, I do not think that Palestinians should be worried about 3 dead civilians on Israeli side, no way it reaches gravity threshold usually required by the ICC. On the other hand, if the Court would decide to prosecute Israeli officials only, that would add fuel to “bias” fire. Again.

Bryan S. Johnson

I believe it would be rather useless, as a practical matter,  for the ICC to prosecute Israeli Commanders. However, symbolically it would send(maybe) a message to Israel that they are not above the law.

The NewStream Dream
The NewStream Dream

I would like to give myself props for bringing up this possiblity in an exchange with Professor Heller.

Professor Heller …. one dollar says this doesn’t get immediately get kicked out.


Response…You might care to see:
International Law and Israel’s War on Gaza,
By Francis A. Boyle  –  January 25, 2009, available at:

Professor Boyle’s call for an International Criminal Tribunal on Israel is now being circulated by member states of the UN General Assembly.