Who is Yoo?

Who is Yoo?

John Yoo now has his own song courtesy of Harry Shearer’s Le Show. It’s probably not a song he or those who support him will like with its chorus of “Who is Yoo . . . Torture Memo Man.” And, I suspect they’ll dismiss it entirely, given its very liberal source. Still, regardless of how you feel about Yoo–and many feel quite strongly–the fact that songs are now being written about him provides further evidence of how far he (and the lawyering of the Bush Administration) have become embedded in our popular culture.

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P.S. O'Donnell
P.S. O'Donnell

I suppose that’s the next best thing to having everyone in government service, but especially the executive branch, read Daniel Ellsberg’s moving book, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (2002) (after which they would be required to conduct ‘democratic dialogues’ with the general public about the historical, political and ethical lessons captured in Ellsberg’s ‘riveting account of the political beginnings of America’s most dishonorable war’ [Seymour Hersh]).