Chuck Hagel on The Daily Show

Chuck Hagel on The Daily Show

I’ve always had a soft spot for Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), both for his evident intelligence and for his willingness to criticize the Bush administration’s bungling of all things Iraqi. After last night’s interview with John Stewart on The Daily Show, though, I think I’m officially smitten:

I was particularly impressed by Hagel’s willingness to openly disagree — in no uncertain terms — with McCain’s stay-the-course approach to Iraq. That certainly won’t win him any friends in his party; after all, he was co-chairman of McCain’s presidential campaign in 2000.

Now if Hagel would only endorse Obama, whom he has already described publicly as the candidate having the best chance of bringing the country together…

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Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

Unfortunately, on Charlie Rose a few days ago he was an apologist for torture.




“I’ve always had a soft spot for Chuck Hagel . . . for his willingness to criticize the Bush administration’s bungling of all things Iraqi. . . . I was particularly impressed by Hagel’s willingness to openly disagree — in no uncertain terms — with McCain’s stay-the-course approach to Iraq. That certainly won’t win him any friends in his party. . . .” Seriously? You’re actually impressed by that? Without commenting about the substance of Senator Hagel’s comments on Iraq (or torture), I suppose it is worth noting what should be obvious: that the Senator shares with many – perhaps most – members of the Republican delegation a deep dissatisfaction with the administration that he has not been reluctant to express for the last 4 – going on 5 – years. You might, for example, recall that Senator McCain spent much of the last 5 years criticizing the administration’s strategy in Iraq (what this memory might do to your admiration for Hagel’s criticism of McCain’s position, I could not possibly imagine). What would impress me is someone who displays a willingness to agree in no uncertain terms with the President’s position on Iraq; I, for one, couldn’t bring myself to… Read more »