Venezuela Mobilizes Troops on Colombian Border

Venezuela Mobilizes Troops on Colombian Border

This has the look of a very ugly situation developing down south.

President Hugo Chávez yesterday placed Venezuela on a war footing, sending thousands of troops and tanks to the border with Colombia after its neighbour killed a top rebel leader inside Ecuadorean territory.

“Mr. Defense Minister, move me 10 battalions to the border with Colombia immediately – tank battalions,” Mr Chávez boomed on his weekly television programme, Aló Presidente. He also placed the Venezuelan Air Force on standby for action.

“We do not want war”, said Mr Chávez, before adding that the slaying of rebel commander Raúl Reyes and Colombia’s incursion into Ecuadorean territory could not go unanswered. “I am putting Venezuela on alert and we will support Ecuador in any situation,” Mr Chávez said.

One hopes that Hugo Chavez is bluffing. But he’s just crazy enough to start a war to protect his allies in Ecuador. Given the U.S. military relationship with Colombia, things could get out of hand real fast.

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