Crimes, War Crimes and the War on Terror

Crimes, War Crimes and the War on Terror

Last year, I participated in a symposium at Lewis & Clark Law School–Crimes, War Crimes and the War on Terror. The symposium edition of the Lewis & Clark Law Review (vol. 11) containing the resulting essays is now out. Here’s the line-up:

John R. Kroger & John T. Parry, Introduction
Kelly Moore, The Role of Federal Criminal Prosecutions in the War on Terrorism
Robert M. Chesney, Federal Prosecution of Terrorism-Related Offenses: Conviction and Sentencing Data in Light of the “Soft-Sentence” and “Data-Reliability” Critiques
Tung Yin, Enemies of the State: Rational Classification in the War on Terrorism
Thomas R. Johnson, Combatant Status Review Tribunals: An Ordeal Through the Eyes of One “Enemy Combatant”
Stephen I. Vladeck, Enemy Aliens, Enemy Property, and Access to the Courts
Allen S. Weiner, Hamdan, Terror, War
Duncan B. Hollis, Why States Need an International Law for Information Operations
Mark Weisburd, Al-Qaeda and the Law of War
Valerie Caproni, Surveillance and Transparency
William Funk, Electronic Surveillance of Terrorism: The Intelligence/Law Enforcement Dilemma – A History
Seth F. Kreimer, Rays of Sunlight in a Shadow “War”: FOIA, The Abuses of Anti-Terrorism, and the Strategy of Transparency

For those who’d prefer a more visually stimulating approach to these materials, the Law School has placed a podcast of the proceedings up on its website (which as Peter Spiro recently suggested seems to be part of a new, and welcome, trend).

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