Barack Obama — Red Diaper Baby?

Barack Obama — Red Diaper Baby?

I cast my overseas primary ballot last week for Obama. If only I knew then what I know now — that Obama is obviously the child of communists and may well be a communist himself. How do I know that? Because, as Lisa Schiffren at the ever-reliable National Review Online explains, he was born of mixed-race parents in the 60s:

Obama and I are roughly the same age. I grew up in liberal circles in New York City — a place to which people who wished to rebel against their upbringings had gravitated for generations. And yet, all of my mixed race, black/white classmates throughout my youth, some of whom I am still in contact with, were the product of very culturally specific unions. They were always the offspring of a white mother, (in my circles, she was usually Jewish, but elsewhere not necessarily) and usually a highly educated black father. And how had these two come together at a time when it was neither natural nor easy for such relationships to flourish? Always through politics. No, not the young Republicans. Usually the Communist Youth League. Or maybe a different arm of the CPUSA. But, for a white woman to marry a black man in 1958, or 60, there was almost inevitably a connection to explicit Communist politics. (During the Clinton Administration we were all introduced to then U. of Pennsylvania Professor Lani Guinier — also a half black/half Jewish, red diaper baby.)

I don’t know how Barak Obama’s parents met. But the Kincaid article referenced above makes a very convincing case that Obama’s family, later, (mid 1970s) in Hawaii, had close relations with a known black Communist intellectual. And, according to what Obama wrote in his first autobiography, the man in question — Frank Marshall Davis — appears to have been Barack’s own mentor, and even a father figure. Of course, since the Soviet Union itself no longer exists, it’s an open question what it means practically to have been politically mentored by an official Communist. Ideologically, the implications are clearer.

It’s almost like the National Review Online is trying to be The Onion…

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And before that publication you did not know that he was born in 60s to a black father and white mother, did you?

Even here, in Russia, where elections could hardly be labeled as fair and democratic, all people are aware of basic facts from biographies of the candidates. That is really astounding that you decided to take part in primaries and cast a vote and did not bother yourself with learning any information about the candidates.

And the second point. Do you really think that an individual, even occupying such a high office as the US president could turn the country into communism? Otherwise, are not you Democrats who advocate basic communist (socialism) values (subsidies to poor people, affordable health care programs, etc.)?


Sadly, almost isn’t good enough… I fear that poor little red-baiting Lisa will have to continue to spew her bile at the Nat’l Review on-line for the foreseeable future. She just isn’t “Onion” material.

And ZZZUBR, lighten up, will ya?