Want to Move to New Zealand?

Want to Move to New Zealand?

If you do, the University of Auckland Faculty of Law is hiring. We’re looking to fill two positions, one at the lecturer/senior lecturer level (the equivalent of assistant professor and associate professor with tenure) and one at the associate professor level (the equivalent of a full professor without a chair). We are primarily interested in academics who specialize in commercial subjects, but are also looking for academics who can teach environmental law and resource management. The deadline for applying is March 31.

I don’t think I have to sell New Zealand itself — it looks just like it does in Lord of the Rings. And the Faculty of Law is a great place to teach — world-class scholars who genuinely like each other (we have tea together every morning); an international and multicultural student body, many of whom go on to do graduate work at Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and the like; a very reasonable teaching load; and impressive research support. The University of Auckland ranked 50th in the world in 2007 (the top 1%), with the University’s Arts and Humanities Faculty, of which law is a department, ranking 32nd. Salaries are not on par with salaries in the U.S., but they compare very favorably with positions in the UK and the continent.

If anyone is genuinely interested in applying, please feel free to contact me!

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