January 2008

The American Law Institute has recently approved the first ever Restatement on International Commercial Arbitration. This is one of the most important international projects that the ALI has undertaken in decades. The Reporter for the Restatement will be George Bermann (Columbia) and the Associate Reporters will be Jack Coe (Pepperdine), Catherine Rogers (LSU/Bocconi), and Chris Drahozal (Kansas). ...

You can insure against both. This piece from Sunday's NYT has the interesting details on liability insurance that covers more than 30,000 federal officials against the perils of work-related lawsuits. With a policy costing less than $300 a year (the government often picking up half the tab), mid-level officials can afford the likes of Clinton impeachment attorney Robert...

The media may have forgotten about the Iraqi High Tribunal now that Saddam is dead and buried, but that doesn't mean its problems have gone away. Case in point — the talented Chief Prosecutor at Saddam's trial, Jaffar al-Moussawi, has been demoted and transferred after criticizing the Tribunal's "financial and ethical corruption" and opposing the execution of Sultan Hashem,...

Martin Luther King did not intend to impact international law, but he did so nonetheless. His life-long struggle was to secure racial equality in the United States. His non-violent efforts rarely focused on the worldwide struggle against racial injustice. But on a few occasions he elaborated on the relationship between the civil rights movement and the global...

In case you missed it, in addition to Medellin and Boumediene, there is one other significant international case before the Supreme Court this term. Although the case is a sleeper, it has important ramifications for any attempts by successful claimants to attach assets of government officials who violate human rights when the sovereign also has a legitimate claim...

Well, that was quick. One day after the media reported that a training manual prepared by the Canadian government for its diplomats listed the U.S. as a country where foreigners risk being tortured or abused, Canada quickly backtracked, promising to remove the U.S. — along with Israel — from the list:Canada's foreign ministry, responding to pressure from close allies,...

‘Torture is an unqualified evil.’ So it is. Statements obtained by the use of torture are inadmissible in evidence. Again, that’s very true. Article 15 of the UN Convention against Torture says as much. So does § 948r (b) of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, in words taken almost verbatim from the Torture Convention. But what of cruel, inhuman...

I received an email today from the Berkeley Journal of International Law requesting that I post this announcement: The Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL) is accepting submissions for it's annual symposium issue. The symposium issue shares its theme with the eighth annual Stefan A. Riesenfeld Symposium -- to be held in Berkeley on March 14 -- "Realizing The Potential...

Bobby Fischer has died (NYT obit here). I'm old enough to remember how he made chess a cool sport (albeit temporarily) with his 1972 match-up with Boris Spassky in Iceland. More recently he was in the news on the lam from US authorities, after having been indicted for violating the US sanctions regime against Yugoslavia with a Spassky...

In case you missed it, Yoo had this op-ed in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer. The Padilla claim seems no more than a piece of lint on his suit, from the tone of the piece, which would seem to defeat up front the largely symbolic (declaratory) objective of the action. Yoo appears never to have let his guard down on...

As our readers have probably noticed, I have been posting fairly regularly about World War II over the past few months. I'm delighted to finally be in a position to explain why: I am beginning to write to write a book on the jurisprudence of the Nuremberg Military Tribunals for Oxford University Press. Here is a snippet of...

I've posted on SSRN my recent book review for the American Journal of International Law of Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Olufemi Elias' Contemporary Issues in the Law of Treaties (Eleven International Publishing, 2005). Here's the abstract: On the surface, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN THE LAW OF TREATIES, by Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Olufemi Elias, makes no overt claims regarding the debate over the...