SSRN is the Tortoise, Not the Hare

SSRN is the Tortoise, Not the Hare

In April, I ranted about the molasses-like slowness with which SSRN approves new or revised essays. I was assured by an SSRN executive kind enough to reply that the system was going to be improved in the near future — 24 hours for revisions, at most a couple of days for new essays.

Five months have passed, long enough to see if any improvements have been made. My last two revisions each took eight days to be approved. A new essay I recently submitted is now on day five — and counting. And the new essay I posted before that took a week.

I guess conservatives are right after all about paternalistic bureaucracies being inefficient. Consider this an open thread — I would appreciate hearing from our readers about their experiences with SSRN over the past few months.

UPDATE: Less than 90 minutes after I wrote this post, SSRN approved my latest submission. (See above.) A coincidence? Perhaps — but it’s worth pointing out that one of my colleagues posted an essay 24 hours before I posted mine, and he is still waiting for it to be approved…

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cruz del sur
cruz del sur

How many times did I think about requesting an open thread here. I wuld thing that many here would be interested in hearing news from other parts of the world, specially those that won’t get attention here in the US.

cruz del sur
cruz del sur

In a radio interview,Paraguayan human rights activist and lawyer, Martín Almada (he discovered the “terror files”)said that during the 90’s democratic governments would meet and exchange information regarding “subversives” in at least three opportunities (in 1995 in Bariloche, Argentina, in 97 in Quito, ecuador and in 99 in La Paz Bolivia. Almada made particular mention of former president Carlos menem and Pinochet. This has been refered as Condor II.