Opinio Juris — For Adults Only!

Opinio Juris — For Adults Only!

According to Mingle 2 — an online dating site (?) — Opinio Juris earns the following movie rating:

The rating is deserved, according to Mingle 2, because the blog contains the word “torture” 18 times, “death” 4 times, “kill” 2 times, and “gun” once.

Don’t let your minor children use this site without parental guidance!

Hat-Tip: the inestimable Michael Froomkin at Discourse.net.

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Marty Lederman
Marty Lederman

Join the club. Over at Balkinization, we’ve had that rating for quite a while, because we have so many posts about the current Vice President, whose name, like Voldemort’s, apparently should not be uttered when youngsters are around. 😉

Matthew Gross
Matthew Gross

Admittedly, youngsters will always be drawn towards “adult” knowledge, you know, like treaty law, customary international law, and international tribunals.

As a parent, you need to talk to them about the ICC, before their friends do.

judith weingarten
judith weingarten

I couldn’t help myself. Empress of the East
