The Lobster and Caviar Summit

The Lobster and Caviar Summit

Remember the historic U.S.-Soviet summits from the 1980s? You could almost feel the Cold War thawing and the global warming in international relations. That’s why I love this quote from Sarah Mendelson at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS):

Q: Why do you think the American public should be interested in this summit?

Mendelson: I don’t think the American public will be or necessarily should be. There are so many other issues before the United States right now… I think, you know, for us, there are so many other issues going on. It’s kind of a reminder that Russia is out there….

Remember that country? The one that used to be our mortal enemy? And what was the name of that Russian guy who met with Reagan, you know the one with the funny birthmark on his head?

For more on the summit check out the CSIS press briefing and the CFR story here.

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