June 2007

Check out Bobby Chesney's take over at National Security Advisors. Bottom line: "Given that Khadr was determined by a CSRT to satisfy the “enemy combatant” definition, and given that comparable language is used in § 948a(1) to describe who counts as an unlawful enemy combatant, it would seem that there is a strong case to be made that...

Here's something you don't see very often. U.S. federal prosecutors in Sacramento have charged 7 individuals with conspiring to overthrow the Laos government. Not just weapons violations, etc, but, with violating 18 U.S.C. 960, the Neutrality Act. According to the complaint, the defendants are being charged with "providing and preparing a means for furnishing the money of and taking part in...

The G-8 Summit is scheduled to get underway on Wednesday, and with the summit will come protesters — as many as 100,000, according to estimates. Those intending to protest have already been tarred by the violent clashes between anarchists and the police last week at a pre-summit protest in Rostock; police in Heiligendamm are gearing up for similar protests...

One of great perqs of teaching international law is the opportunity to participate in study abroad programs. I have done so almost every year since I started teaching, and this year I will be headed to Sweden to teach International Trade at Suffolk Law School's program in Lund. There is virtually no limit to the choices you have if you...

That's at the center of this interesting piece from Adam Liptak in today's NY Times, on an Alien Tort Statute claim alleging the enslavement of child jockeys in the camel-racing business. The case was brought by the class-action firm Motley Rice against two camel owners who also happen to be high-ranking officials of the United Arab Emirates. (Isn't...

Charles Taylor's trial before the Special Court for Sierra Leone is set to begin on Monday. The trial, which is expected to last between 12 and 18 months, may not be the trial of the century, but it is certainly a landmark: Taylor is the first president of an African country to be tried for serious international crimes by...

Speaking of "unpeaceful" nations, the U.S. Navy has apparently bombarded a remote, mountainous village in Somalia where Islamic militants had set up a base. As an international legal matter, I believe the U.S. intervention is unproblematic because it was made in cooperation with Somali authorities (this assumes that the "Somali authorities" in question are actually in charge). But maybe I'm wrong...

The Economist Intelligence Unit has released its new "Global Peace Index," which ranks 120 nations according to their relative peacefulness. The organization based the rankings on 24 peacefulness indicators, divided into three categories: (1) measures of ongoing domestic and international conflict, such as the number of external and internal conflicts fought between 2000 and 2005, the estimated number of...

"War is only a regrettable expedient for asserting one's rights by force within a state of nature, where no court of justice is available to judge with legal authority." Immanuel Kant Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch Do you agree or disagree with Kant's statement about war?I agreeI disagreeDon't know  Free polls from Pollhost.com ...