Please Welcome Our Opinio Juris Interns!

Please Welcome Our Opinio Juris Interns!

On behalf of the regular contributors here at Opinio Juris, I wanted to welcome (and introduce) our first two interns who will be helping out around here (in the virtual sense) over the summer.

Brianne Draffin is a rising 3L at Case Western Reserve School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio where she is the Symposium Editor of the Journal of International Law and the Editor-in-Chief of the War Crimes Prosecution Watch. She also served as the web-master of the Grotian Moment: The Saddam Hussein Trial Blog. In addition to working with us on web-design and substantive issues this summer, Brianne will be an intern for the Office of the Co-Prosecutor of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

Louis Froelich is a rising 3L at the University of Cincinnati College of Law where he has been studying public international law and international business transactions. He is a member of the University of Cincinnati Law Review and working as its Business Manager this year. His research interests have, to date, focused on implications of jurisdictional overlap between the NAFTA and the WTO, with particular attention to the so-called U.S.-Mexico sugar wars.

We’re excited to have both Brianne and Louis helping us this summer.

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