Wanted: The Inaugural Opinio Juris Intern

Wanted: The Inaugural Opinio Juris Intern

[UPDATE: Moved to the Front as Deadline Looms!]

Are you the sort of person who reads Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s transcript before the GTMO Military Commission and wonders about the legal status of the war on terror? Do you sort your Hollywood celebrities based on the substance of their position on what to do about Darfur? Do you enjoy arguing over definitions of sovereignty, or the question of who gets it when a new island emerges in the middle of the ocean? Did you think about Venezuela’s recent nationalization pronouncements solely in terms of job prospects? Most importantly, would you want to expend substantial time and labor pulling together scholarly materials in an effort to elevate the blogosphere’s discourse on international legal issues? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, we might have a position for you.

Opinio Juris
is seeking its first ever intern(s) for this coming summer for a full or part time position (at least 10 hours a week). We’d expect the position to run from June 1- August 15. Candidates should have superior web skills accompanied by an interest in international law as well as graduate- or law-school level training in that field. Unlike many other internships, there’s flexibility in when you would work, not to mention there’s no office to report to, plus, we’d like to think were a pretty easy-going group with whom to spend time. Like most internships, however, we wouldn’t actually be able to pay you for your efforts. Still, we’d anticipate that there might be some small reputational benefits to a position that would have you working with us on site design, key international law links, as well as some posts of your own choosing on substantive issues of international law.

Interested candidates should draft a blog post on why you deserve to be the Opinio Juris intern (300 words or less please), and forward it, along with any other relevant information (c.v., writing samples, recommendations from famous or not so famous international lawyers, etc.) to yours truly by April 25. Be forewarned, however, as we’ll reserve the right to post some of the most insightful, compelling, and, of course, humorous entries.

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