North Korea Agrees to Nuclear Deal

North Korea Agrees to Nuclear Deal

Although details are still forthcoming (see the early AP report here), it looks like North Korea has agreed to some kind of deal to shut down its main nuclear reactor and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program. It sounds like a pretty good deal for the North Koreans, who get lots of energy assistance in exchange for promising one day to eventually get rid of their nuclear program.

Additionally, the U.S. and North Korea will start on bilateral talks aimed at restarting diplomatic relations and, probably, some sort of peace treaty aimed at ending the Korean War (remember that war?).

Does the U.S. Congress get to weigh in? Not on the agreement itself, but since the U.S. has also promised to begin removing North Korea from its designation as a terror-sponsoring state list and also on ending U.S. trade sanctions, Congress will get to have their say, I’m sure.

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Seth Weinberger

Congress will also have approve sending the aid promised in the deal. It will be interesting to see whether those who have been so critical of the Bush Administration’s unilateralism will be eager to back this deal with one of the most monsterous regimes the world has ever known. My guess: politics will raise its ugly head and both Republicans and Democrats will be hesitant to go forward.