Harvard’s International Law Journal Goes Online

Harvard’s International Law Journal Goes Online

The Harvard International Law Journal has launched a web-based companion site called ILJ Online. The site will host original web-only content such as remarks by U.S. State Department Legal Adviser (and Opinio Juris guest-blogger) John Bellinger on the Military Commissions Act of 2006. It also provides web-only articles and commentary, such as a recent useful discussion of topics such as “A Blueprint for Cross-Border Access to U.S. Investors: A New International Framework.” The format is both scholarly but also more interactive, with responses to Bellinger and extensive commentary to online articles found on the site.

I can only applaud this initiative by the HILJ folks. As we have tried to do here on this site in hosting academic roundtables and lengthy guestblogging, the Internet is a great opportunity to develop different forms of legal scholarship. I don’t think such sites will replace law reviews anytime soon, but their appearance can only enhance the speedier and more effective exchange of ideas.

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