The ICTR Enters the Fourth Quarter Down by Two Touchdowns

The ICTR Enters the Fourth Quarter Down by Two Touchdowns

Pardon the U.S. football analogy, but this report from about the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda’s scramble to finish trying its caseload before its 2008 deadline does have the feel of a team rushing to catch up before the clock runs out. The ICTR’s main strategy for beating the clock is the transfer of many of its detainees to Rwanda for trial. This seems like a good strategy, although various obstacles loom including concern about the fairness of the Rwanda system and the possibility of the death penalty being imposed.

It is a shame to rush the ICTR in its trials, but deadlines are useful and necessary for international tribunals as well. Ad hoc temporary tribunals are supposed to be just that, and deadlines have a wonderful way of focusing a tribunal’s attention and energies.

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