Chat with the WTO Director-General!

Chat with the WTO Director-General!

Does the fate of the Doha Round negotiations keep you up at night? Are you worried about the future of global free trade? Well, this online chat with WTO Director General Pascal Lamy is going is for you.

Lamy will be chatting with.. pretty much anyone in the world who signs up (that is to say, the first 500 folks who register). The chat will occur on Monday, December 18, between 17:00-18:00 Geneva time (GMT +1) so approximately six hours ahead of those of us on the U.S. East Coast and about an hour from the time this post goes up.

I have to admit I’m going to be busy with other activities at that time, but I would encourage any of our readers who manage to sign in to report on their experiences. I think that such online public forums is a salutary trend for international bureaucrat-types. It won’t solve all of the WTO’s PR problems, but it is a good start. Something for the new U.N. Secretary General to consider?

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Darn, missed it. Oh well. For those who are interested, here’s a link to the chat sign-in. They may be posting a transcript of the chat there, as they did with a similar chat held on 18 October, which focused on the same issues (that transcript is available here).