German Law Translation Bleg

German Law Translation Bleg

As Roger mentioned, a number of us are hanging out today in San Diego. Professor Peter Krug of University of Oklahoma has presented an intriguing paper on domestic court treatment of international court decisions. The U.S. Supreme Court applied a “respectful consideration” standard to disregard the decision of the International Court of Justice in Sanchez-Llamas back in June. As Professor Krug notes, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany addressed a very similar issue under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the International Court of Justice opinions in LaGrand and Avena.

The decision, which can be found only in German, appears here. While Professor Krug has done his own translation, I was wondering if anyone out there knows of an official or publicly-available English translation of this decision that we can post online here.

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Vegetius Renatus

Unfortunately, there seems to be no English translation – at least so far. The BVerfG usually doesnt translate its decisions, so the task is up to law professors. 😉