International Law Workshop Series: Fall 2006 Roundup

International Law Workshop Series: Fall 2006 Roundup

An increasingly common IL curricular offering in law schools comes in the form of a workshop series, with students enrolled for credit. This is a great format, around for probably a decade now but proliferating in the last two or three years. I co-hosted one last year at UGA with Dan Bodansky (the line-up here), and will be doing another this spring here at Temple with Jeff Dunoff. Students seem to like it, the sessions are typically open to other interested faculty, and it’s a nice venue for presenting works-in-progress.

I thought it might be useful to collect links to workshops I was able to track down for this fall. (Please drop me a line if you know of others.) I’ll do the same in the spring.

University of Michigan
NYU Globalization
NYU Law & Security

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