You Can Sue Iraq – But Not Under Federal Law

You Can Sue Iraq – But Not Under Federal Law

Last week, the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. allowed some of the claims in a lawsuit brought by U.S. citizens alleging injuries caused by the Saddam-era Iraqi government during the 1991 Gulf War to continue. The ruling in Vine v. Iraq is mostly a win for the new Iraqi government, which has been diligently defending these and other U.S. lawsuits in U.S. courts (for more background on the Iraq lawsuits, see the plaintiffs lawyers’ website here). But despite dismissing most of the plaintiffs’ federal common law and statutory law claims as barred by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (the federal statute granting immunity to foreign governments like Iraq), the district court did permit the plaintiffs’ claims to continue under state or foreign law.

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