Roberts’ Speech at the Reagan Library

Roberts’ Speech at the Reagan Library

In his first major address as Chief Justice, on Wednesday John Roberts addressed a crowd of 1,000 participants at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. Details of the speech are available here. The Chief Justice also addressed a group of about 100 Pepperdine law students immediately prior to the speech. (It doesn’t hurt when your current dean was the Chief Justice’s former boss in the Solicitor General’s office).

I had the opportunity to attend the Roberts’ speech, but declined because of teaching duties. My favorite part of the speech was this exchange: “‘Having young children is great to keep things in perspective,’ Roberts said. ‘The first question [his 4-year-old son] Jack had for me when he found out I was going to be chief justice, he said, ‘Daddy, do you get a sword?” Roberts explained his son had seen the statue of Lady Justice outside the Court’s chambers holding a sword, and the young boy wanted to know if Roberts also would get one. When Jack learned the sword didn’t come with the position, Roberts said his son was unimpressed with his dad’s new job.”

What he didn’t tell his son is that his pen is mightier than a sword.
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