02 Mar The Business Opportunity of Ethical Behavior
The McKinsey survey question that particularly grabbed my attention related to shareholder value. Here was the question: “Which three issues are likely to have the most impact on shareholder value for companies in your industry over the next 5 years? For each those three issues selected, what mix of risks and opportunities does each issue pose to shareholder value.” The three subjects that were viewed as posing the greatest opportunities for shareholder value were more ethically produced products, healthier and safer products, and human rights standards. When asked whether these issues will pose greater opportunity, equal mix between reward and risk, or greater risks the response was:
Ethically produced products (40%/39%/20%)
Healthier/safer products (38%/45%/15%
Human-rights standards (33%/31%/30%)
Environment, including climate change (18%/39%/41%)
Privacy and data security (16%/29%/54%)
Opposition to foreign investment and freer trade (15%/23%/61%)
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