17 Oct Three Years Ago Today: "Saddam Wins 100% of the Vote"

Lots of wonderful news coming out of Iraq. Best summary of links from MSM is from Google News here. Nice graphic of the unofficial results from the Washington Post is here. An American Marine was live blogging the Iraqi vote here. Iraqi bloggers discuss their personal experience and have photos here, here, and here. Read the comments.
The full text of the Iraqi Constitution is here. The best part of the Preamble reads, “We the people of Iraq, … who are looking with confidence to the future through a republican, federal, democratic, pluralistic system, have resolved … to respect the rule of law, to establish justice and equality to cast aside the politics of aggression, … and to spread a culture of diversity and defusing terrorism.”
Is this some kind of cruel hoax? I mean, sure, technically speaking, they have this new freedom (to vote), but they’re still many decades away (to say the least) from a real democracy. And to get here it’s taken thousands of deaths, housing and infrastructures demolished, an ongoing military occupation, terrorist attacks every other day …
I certainly believe the Iraqi’s are better off now than before, but troubles past and ahead are so terrible that I consider this over-hyped post (and that supposedly ironic title?) to be in very bad taste.
Hello Roger, how are you doing..
Read your post, it is great. Looks like you do a good deal of browsing around. BTW thanks for the link…